democratizing transcendence
Announcing the oracle
Your trusted psychedelic guide, rooted in wisdom and born from community.

Join Us in The Flying Sage Nest
Our online platform and app where you can find courses, connect with experts, get product discounts, attend virtual events and much more.
Join us and help expand the community. We’re currently looking for Team and Event Volunteers
Community Courses
Exploring Empathogens
Mastering Mindfulness
Foundations of Herbalism
Sound Healing Instrument Mastery Course
Embodied Play: An Exploration of Mindful Movement and Playfulness
Psychedelic Preparation Fundamentals Course
Community Introduction Form
No matter what city you are based in, if you would like to learn more about our community and get involved, we’ve put together a brief welcome form for you…
Our vision
We believe in a world where everyone has safe and equitable access to healing. We envision a thriving psychedelic ecosystem that empowers people to use these powerful medicines through education and peer support. We believe most people can develop the knowledge to safely engage with psychedelics themselves.
We hope that by building bridges between the underground and aboveground psychedelic spaces, we can co-create a new paradigm of wellness that leans into the wisdom gleaned from psychedelic and other expanded states of consciousness. We envision a world where novel and traditional ways of knowing are integrated together through safe, intentional and community-lead psychedelic use.
Rarely Asked Questions
Here at The Flying Sage, we truly believe that we need new paradigms of wellness informed by ancient wisdom and supported by modern technology to help more people access the healing they need. Psychedelic community means prioritizing the effectiveness of group integration. It looks like people coming together to heal and to explore. Psychedelic community creates a space for us to act as mirrors to one another. It means holding space for the positive and the negative. It means recognizing our individualism and our differences. Psychedelic community can mean a lot of things to a lot of people but for us, it primarily means sovereignty and accessibility.
Effective integration involves honouring where you are at. It means taking time to process and move through emotions. It involves having the courage to be vulnerable and share about your experiences with loved ones and friends in community. Integration is most effective when done in community.
The psychedelic renaissance is bringing the old in with the new. It is a movement built on a previous movement. It is a multifaceted explosion of interest in the intentional and beneficial uses of psychedelic medicines for healing and we are playing a big part in it. We recognize the psychedelic renaissance as not being confined to the medicalization of these medicines, but instead, we see it as a multifaceted process involving intentional, ceremonial, therapeutic and free-form psychedelic use.
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We are currently looking to recruit volunteers to join our growing team.
If you are looking for an exciting opportunity to help build community in the evolving psychedelic ecosystem, consider joining us on our mission.
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