To all of our relations
thank you…
Susan for co-founding and helping your brother out. Kiernan, Bridger, Sam and the Dunbar gang for hosting our launch party. Gabo for your ferocious heart and being our Chief Community Leader. All of our amazing facilitators for contributing what you do; Navin, Chandni, Alejandro, Gabrielle, Fabiola, Damian Alireza, Lion. Dana Harvey for your strategic input and generous sound boarding. Gabi Kuz for bringing your heart and your art to the Community Manager Role. Usama for the endless dedication. Dunkaroo for donating our first banner. Jason Wright for helping on the BBQ and with the canopy for our Cold Plunge Challenge. Ivan for donating tobacco plants as gifts. The kind soul who shared his Hsin-Hsin Ming book with me. All of our amazing sponsors and event collaborators. K80 for the connects. Jon Hopkins for the soundtracks. Michael’s parents for always believing and supporting. Mark Haden for being member #1. This incredible land we are on. Tom Woods for your support with sales and all the cracks. Kiem for hosting our integration circles and leading us through Qi Gong. Tim Sae Koo for your support. Kenny, Kristof and the VPS team for allowing us to be stewards. Notion for keeping everything in one place. Jenna and Conscious Lab for hosting our fun dance events. ATMA for inviting us to Calgary. Mandala for hosting our Huachuma Breathwork Ceremonies. Trina for the consults. Kol for the photos. Phoenix for the decorations and generous energy. Rea for all your captured moments.
And many more not mentioned and to come…