Origin Story
Hello & Welcome 🧙
Hello beautiful human. Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Flying Sage Blog. We are thrilled to embark on this journey of sharing knowledge, experiences, and thought-provoking ideas with our incredible community. This blog is your portal to a world where ancient wisdom meets modern exploration, where transformative insights are captured and woven into the tapestry of our collective consciousness.
We invite you to delve into a captivating realm where psychedelics, spirituality, and personal growth intertwine. It is a space where we embrace curiosity, challenge conventional narratives, and ignite meaningful conversations that transcend boundaries. Here, we navigate the vast landscapes of consciousness, blending the wisdom of ancestral traditions with cutting-edge research and perspectives.
We invite you to embark on this exhilarating journey with us. Together, let's uncover the hidden depths of our human potential, challenge the status quo, and co-create a world where wisdom, compassion, and unity thrive.
With our content here, sometimes you will find original content written just for this blog and other times, you will find articles that we have transferred over from The Flying Sage Journal; our premium psychedelic wellness newsletter. If you would like the richest experience with our written content, we highly suggest checking it out and subscribing. There you will find exclusive articles and personal journal content from The Flying Sage founder, Michael.
For this first edition of the blog, we are going to be sharing a snippet of our first edition of The Flying Sage Journal which outlines a bit of the origin story of The Flying Sage. We hope you enjoy and learn something new about us!
With boundless gratitude and a shared quest for transcendence,
- The Flying Sage Team 🤍
Origin Story
In every edition of The Flying Sage Journal, I like to open with a direct excerpt from my own personal journal. Really, it’s actually 3-4 journals that I have been writing in for the past several years! Normally, you will have to subscribe to The Flying Sage Journal to receive these excerpts but since this is the first rendition of The Flying Sage Blog, we are going to include it here for you today.
This excerpt comes from a period in my life in between high school and university. A time where I was beginning to experiment with psychedelics in a more profound way which lead to great insight but at the same time, a bit of destabilization as I did not have a lot of support navigating the psychedelic space.
Over the years I have become more familiar with the psychedelic terrain and have come to understand just how important integration is. I hope my journal shares in these newsletters will resonate with some of you out there who are also on your own journey exploring psychedelics and how they can help serve as tools for a better life - whatever that looks like for you.
“Is it just an escape from isolation? Is the spiritual mind a welcoming environment for the anxious individual? I feel like I have began my way down a rather uncertain path and I don’t recognize myself these days. I don’t really find lots of stuff funny anymore either. The range of things that humour me has become narrow or at least that is what it feels like.
I am too aware of my own thoughts. I experience them like a movie but the image is always flickering with sensations of doubt. The theatre itself is confined and does not have many films to select from. The story is a bit repetitive and lacking momentum. But this is my story at the moment.
I often come up with theories as to why I have developed this attitude but none of them really stick. Most of my thoughts do not make it out into physical form.”
So here I am. 7 years later, and doing my best to put things i n t o w o r d s. I have always loved writing and I am now at a point where I am excited to share more of my journey with YOU! A lot has happened in the past 7 years. I graduated from UBC with a Cognitive Systems degree. I started two businesses. I worked with MAPS Canada for 3 years. I’ve connected with many incredible beings that have taught me more than I could imagine. I’ve loved and had my heart broken a few times. I have experimented with a lot of psychedelics (both in recreational and therapeutic settings). I’ve travelled to 16 countries (mostly by myself). I have lived this wonderful, magical thing called life the best way I know how and I am thrilled for what’s to come. If you would like to join me on this journey and directly support the work I am doing, please consider subscribing! Hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter…
Here is the first t-shirt design that we had on the Flying Sage store… it’s called Adam’s Awakening.
Community is Foundational 🤍
The Flying Sage is focused on building psychedelic community and you might be asking… why? Here are some reasons why I think community is foundational to a bright future with psychedelics…
Community is bottom-up. Although working directly with governments and policy is essential to pave the way forward for psychedelics, it’s equally as important to inform and educate the people that we interact with everyday. Community models allow us to affect change at a grass roots level and this means building a more secure foundation.
Community is intimate. I believe the future of healing happens first in our immediate circles. One of the biggest lessons from the psychedelic experience is that we can heal ourselves. When we come together in community we can outsource some of our healing to the collective. We can actually tap into the intelligence of the group and this is where connection and well-being thrives.
Community empowers experience. Healing through community prioritizes sharing and being vulnerable. In this way, community draws our experiences out into sacred containers where those experiences are given power.
The Primacy of Direct Experience 🎭
Following from this idea, I would like to try and summarize an interesting lecture from the legendary Terence McKenna. This lecture was held in June of 1944 on what he calls the primacy of direct experience.
For McKenna, this powerful concept is intimately entwined with his interpretation of…
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