Your Ultimate Festival Guide - Preparing for an Electronic Music Festival

Electronic music festivals have become a popular environment for individuals to explore psychedelics due to the vibrant atmosphere, open-minded community, and shared experiences. When approached with proper preparation and harm reduction practices, festivals can actually be one of the safest places in the world to experiment with psychedelic substances. We have created this guide to help you prepare for an electronic music festival where psychedelics are a main component, focusing on what to bring, how to prepare, and essential harm reduction measures. If you want to learn more harm reduction information regarding festivals, we encourage you to check out DanceSafe.

Why Festivals are Safe Environments for Psychedelics:

First off, let’s just talk about setting. It is commonly understood, especially in the emerging psychedelic landscape, that facilitated or medical experiences are the “right” way to experience psychedelics. If you are familiar with our work you will know that we promote a variety of different ways people can safety use psychedelics. Festivals can actually serve as one of the safest places to do psychedelics because they provide an inclusive and non-judgmental environment for festival-goers, where self-expression and alternative states of consciousness are widely accepted. Furthermore, festivals that are worth going to often have designated spaces for harm reduction and first-aid services, ensuring the well-being of attendees. The shared sense of community and camaraderie among festival-goers can also create a supportive and positive atmosphere for psychedelic experiences.

Harm Reduction: Understanding the Basics:

Harm reduction is an approach that aims to minimize potential risks associated with drug use, including psychedelics. Instead of advocating for abstinence, harm reduction focuses on educating and empowering individuals to make safer choices, understanding that people are going to use psychedelics at festivals no matter what. The ultimate goal is to enhance overall well-being and promote responsible and informed use.

At most festivals, entire teams are focussed around this principle by offering sanctuary spaces where support is freely given to those that need it. This support can range from substance questions, hydration and emotional support to physical comfort and trip-sitting. Let’s list some common harm reduction practices that will be useful at a festival…

Common Harm Reduction Practices:

  1. Drug Education and Awareness: Before you decide to use and psychedelic at a music festival, do your research. Make sure you understand the source and purity of the substance you plan to use.

  2. Drug Testing: Check to see if the festival you are going to has drug testing on site or not. If it doesn’t consider testing your drugs before you leave. You can purchase drug testing kits online or utilize local services. It is important to test to make sure your substances are pure.

  3. Start Low, Go Slow: This is a great general rule of thumb, especially when using something for the first time. Start with lower doses to gauge your sensitivity and reaction to the substance. Gradually increase dosage if desired, with sufficient time between doses.

  4. Set and Setting: Set (mindset) and setting (environment) are super important in shaping your festival experience. While you have some control over your mindset, the festival setting is always changing. Be aware of the dynamic setting and remember you can always change things up by walking to another part.

  5. Dance with a Buddy: It’s always a good idea to have a buddy with you when you are out on the dance floor; especially if you are trying something new substance wise. If you don’t have a buddy then strike up some conversations; festivals are one of the easiest places to meet strangers.

  6. Hydration and Nutrition: Dancing for hours on end is not uncommon at music festivals. It is very important to stay hydrated and consume nourishing foods before and after the psychedelic experience. Dehydration and malnutrition can exacerbate potential side effects. Try to seek out some healthy options amidst the burgers and fast food.

  7. Avoid Mixing Substances: Combining substances increases the risk of unpredictable interactions and adverse effects. Although mixing can be fun, it is important that you understand the various contraindications between different substances.

  8. Respect for Individual Choices: Recognize that everyone's psychedelic journey is unique and it is essential to respect one another’s individual choices. Go with the flow and recognize everyone is on their own journey.

  9. Access Support Services: Familiarize yourself with the festival grounds as best as you can upon arrival and look out for the harm reduction and medical services. In the event that you need these services, it helps a lot to know where to look already.

  10. Ear Protection: Protect those precious ears of yours! Especially if you are someone that likes to frequent the front of stage.

In addition to these general best practices, here are some more specific tips for before, during and after your festival experience…

Before You Leave:

  1. Test Your Substances: Ensure the authenticity and purity of your psychedelics by using a drug testing kit or seeking out a local test service.

  2. Pack Essentials: Include sun protection, comfortable clothing, a small scale, ear protection, and a reusable water bottle in your festival gear. Bring a thermos for nighttime drinks. Baby wipes are a must. It’s also a good idea to bring an eyeshade as well because you will likely need to sleep during the day. Depending on where the festival is, you might run into a lot of dust so bringing protection for your lungs would be good too.

  3. Prepare Outfits: This is not essential and certainly not something everyone cares about but festivals are a great place to express yourself. Prepare some fun costumes and extra points if you match with your friends.

  4. Organize a Group: A lot of festivals support creating camps. This can be as simple as having a group of tents in the same area. If you have the time and resources you can get fancy with it too. If you have a group, lean into them during your time at the festival. It might also be a good idea to bring some cozy items so that you can create your own cuddle puddle with your friends.

  5. Prepare Supplements: Taking certain supplements can help with the adverse effects of some substances. For example, 5HTP and Magnesium can help with an MDMA come down. Other common supplements include L-Tyrosine, vitamin C, ginseng and antioxidants. Check out RollKit for some ready prepared options and use the code flyingsage for 10% off..

At the Festival:

  1. Find Safe Spaces: Familiarize yourself with medical tents, harm reduction booths, and chill-out areas provided by the festival. Try to arrive early so you can do this. You can also scope out the different stages at the same time.

  2. Time and Patience: Allow ample time between doses, especially if you are combining substances. Avoid redosing impulsively. Don’t chase the dragon.

  3. Start an Intention Circle: An intention circle is a safe and sacred gathering where participants can openly and honestly express their intentions for a psychedelic journey or spiritual exploration. The context of festivals, these gatherings can be a really beautiful way to start an evening together. We outline a simple process for this here. This can simply be done with two people as well - it does not have to be fancy.

  4. Express Yourself: Be authentic. There are not many other places in the world where you can fully express yourself without consequence. Invite all parts of you to the experience and ride the wave of weird. We’re all a little weird right?

After the Festival:

  1. Integration: Take time to process your experiences after the festival. Journaling, meditation, or talking with trusted friends can be helpful. If you happen to live in Vancouver, make sure to check out one of our Integration Circles. If you live elsewhere, look for local psychedelic societies in your area.

  2. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care after the festival to allow your mind and body to recover. Festivals can have a big impact on the body so try to give your self a period following the festival where you have the freedom and time to move slowly.

Whether you are going to a bush rave or Burning Man, electronic music festivals can offer one of the most supportive environments for psychedelic exploration when approached with preparation and harm reduction in mind. Understanding harm reduction principles, researching substances, and being mindful of set and setting are essential for creating a positive and transformative experience.


The Vancouver Psychedelic Society - Announcement


Create Your Own Intention Circle: A Sacred Space for Mindful Exploration